If you want epic coffee, it kind of goes without saying that you need an epic roaster. We use an IMF60 air roaster – it’s an impressive looking machine that is unrivalled when it comes to consistency. This means we can roast all day long without compromising quality! This compact, modern and technologically advanced roaster is equipped with *almost* as much tech as a NASA space shuttle! What we love most about it however is it’s incredibly environmentally friendly, using significantly less energy consumption and emitting 30% less gas emissions than traditional drum roasters.
She may be small, but she’s fierce! Equipped with the same technology as the IMF60, our IMF15 allows us to flex our commercial capabilities and roast smaller batches of our Single Origin’s and specialty coffee’s. Equally as environmentally friendly, also utilizing the rocket ship vortex and equalizer systems, whilst smaller capacity, there’s no compromising on quality.
The vortex and equalizer systems may literally sound like parts operating a space shuttle, but they are a vital part of making kick-ass coffee here at the Owl factory. The vortex system mixes ambient air into the hot airstream before it enters the roaster by an electronically operated modulating valve, so the air is already at the correct regulated temperature before entering the drum. This gives a consistently uniform temperature of hot airstream through the entire roasting process.
The equalizer system ensures the same volume of air enters the roaster. By having equal volumes of hot air both inside and surrounding the perforated alloy drum surface, you get even heat distribution across the entire body of the coffee bean, eliminating any temperature fluctuation inside the drum.
Address: 3/8 Hayden Court, Myaree WA 6154
PH: 1300 557 981

© 2021 Little Owl Coffee Roasters
Website brewed by Creative Baguette